Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4
by Robert Rensch
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 |

1/72 scale Bf 109E-4/7 Trop is
available online from
This model is the 1/72nd Tamiya Bf109-E4 It depicts an aircraft of
I./JG3 in the autumn of 1940.
The only additions to what was provided by Tamiya are the stretched-sprue
aerial and the decals, which were pieced together from several sheets.
The red stripes on the wings and the service triangles provided me
with some delightful silvering.
The paints used were primarily from my dwindling stash of Floquil
Military Colors, and represent RLM 71/02/65. The yellow is XtraColor
RLM 04. I shot 'em on with my long-suffering Badger 150.
Judging from the pitot assembly casting a reflection in the
underside of the wing in the photo I worked from, I was convinced this
plane was polished out. I sanded both before and after the final
clearcoat, which was XtraColor Satin varnish, using Micro-Mesh. I
stopped going to finer grades when I judged it to be smooth enough.
The yellow was not polished. Weathering was added with pastels and
dark brown, dark blue, and grimy black washes for selected panel
lines. A few scuffs were added with a silver pencil.
The photos were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 set to aperture
priority and about f7.5.
This kit is a little gem. I hope I have time to finish about a hundred
more of them!
the thumbnails below to view larger images:
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2003 by Robert Rensch
Page Created 24 July, 2003
Last Updated
25 March, 2004
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