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Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9
in 1/32 scale

by Scott Samo



Hasegawa's 1/32 scale Hi-Grade Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 is available online from Squadron.com




This is the Hasegawa "Hi-Grade" 1/32 scale Focke-Wulf 190D-9.

Extra details include a scratchbuilt cockpit with Eduard harnesses, and re-scribed panel lines.

The fuselage fit was beautiful. However as any D-9 fan knows, the rest of the kit can prove to be troublesome.

Since I hate sanding and filling, I took great pains to fit the fuselage and wing joints properly. Before I glued the fuselage together, I glued the top of the wings to each respective side of the fuselage. This allowed me the freedom to ensure a near perfect fit. It worked well and I did not use any putty on the wing root. It is much easier sanding the leading and trailing edges of wings, than filling and sanding the wing root. The rest of the kit fit well and I moved onto painting.

The canopy turned out beautifully. I used the usual Future dip to get that crystal clear shine. I love that stuff!

The model was painted using Gunze and Tamiya paint. Weathering was done with artists oils and Turpenoid. I used the airbrush for everything.

The relaxed antenna is super fine speaker wire.

All in all the model took about a year to complete.



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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2003 by Scott Samo
Page Created 17 February, 2003
Last Updated 25 March, 2004

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