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Steve Palffy has bought a number of Roman figures in 28mm scale,
and this is the first that he has finished.
The figure is a part of a Roman Army Cohort Command, and is a
Blacktree 28mm white metal figure purchased from Napoleon's bookshop
in Sydney.
Steve has a long-standing interest in classical figures and
wargaming, and decided on 28mm as a decent compromise - big enough
to display reasonable detail yet small enough to keep in quantity.
He likes the Romans in particular because of their colourful red
tunics and trim.
The figure comprises just two parts - one for the shield and one
for the soldier.

The first step was to clean up the white metal parts. Next, the
figure was prepared for painting with a coat of Skull White primer
from Citadel straight from the spray can. The Roman soldier was then
brush painted with around 16 different shades from the Vallejo
Acrylic range. The speculative decoration on the front of the shield
is also brush painted. When the basic colours were applied, the
figure received a wash of Burnt Umber oil paint. After this thin
wash was thoroughly dry, shading and highlights were added by brush.
A second wash of Burnt Umber was followed by a coat of Polly
Scale flat, sprayed over the entire figure.
Finally, the edges of "metal" (eg shield, sword, helmet) were
lightly dry-brushed.

The completed figure was mounted on an Australian 5c piece (a
very small coin), which was garnished with synthetic foliage.
Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:
The Roman Army from Caesar
to Trajan
(Men-At-Arms 46) |
Author: Michael Simkins
Illustrator: Ronald Embleton
US Price: $14.95
UK Price: £8.99
Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
March 29 1984
Details: 48 pages; ISBN: 0850455286 |
Model by Steve Palffy
Images Copyright © 2004 by
Brett Green
Page Created 24 April, 2004
Last Updated
25 April, 2004
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