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 Brazilian P-47s in action
"Senta a Pua!"

by Sandro Dinarte


"Senta a Pua!"


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This is my limited edition Aviation Art work.

I painted this combat scene using oil on canvas based on the memories of veteran Brazilian fighter pilot, CO Alberto Martins Torres, and spent much time on research.

This piece is entitled: "Senta a Pua!" by Sandro Dinarte.

Click the thumbnails below to view detail of artwork:

During the month of April 1945, the Allied Army undertook the most determined offensive against the Germans in Italy. This battle became known as the " Spring Offensive", the purpose being to destroy the lines of supplies which fed the German resistance. From October 1944, the 1st Fighter Squadron of the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) fought continuosly against objectives very efficiently protected by the enemy. Their losses were very heavy, since the brazilians counted on only 26 men divided into four Squadrons: A (red), B (yellow), C (blue) and D (green). And there was no indicatives of replacements for these losses from the Brazilian Government. Before initiating the "Spring Offensive" the Command of the 350th Fighter Squadron to which 1st Fighter Squadron was subordinated, knowing of the efforts of the brazilians to continue in combat, as well the difficulties to obtain replacements of personel, requested Comander Nero Moura to remove his Squadron from the intense battle which would follow. Nero Moura called a meeting of his men and left the choice to them. Unanimously, they opted to continue to fight to the end.

The 1st Squadron fought agressively and incessantly against the enemy, gaining great admiration on the part of Allied High Command, since the reduced number of pilots obliged them to undertake three daily flights in order to carry out the goals of the offensive The painting shows the Red Squadron commanded by Fligth Lieutenant Alberto Torres (pilot of the P-47 "A4"). They found and immobilized two german armoured divisions atempting to cross a tributary of Po River, in the hope of regrouping further north in Italy and stop the Allied advance. In this combat the complete elimination of two columns of vehicles took almost an entire day and had the participation of several detachments of the Allied Armies that were informed by the Brazilians pilots of the location of the enemy.

22 April has since been the date commemorative the "The Fighter Day" (in Brazil), so important was the effort of the Brazilian pilots in that allied offensive during the Spring in Italy.

My profiles are sale in the web site.
http://www.greatmodels.com.br and

Modelling the P-47 Thunderbolt
Osprey Modelling 11

Author: Brett Green
US Price:
UK Price: £12.99
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
 July 25, 2004
Details: 80 pages; ISBN: 1841767956
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Text and Images Copyright 2005 by Sandro Dinarte
Page Created 09 August, 2005
Last Updated 09 August, 2005

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