Dynasty's 1/35 scale Hot Body I is available online from Squadron.com
The 1/35 scale Dyansty/Coree Hot
Body I - along with two or three others in the series - is sold
completely nude.
Not wanting to offend anyone, I
opted to cover her lower torso. I decided to put her in a diaper
just to be... different. Now that I have your attention, more on
that later.
This all resin kit has a separate right leg and arm. After some
initial clean-up, assembly, and priming, I took the time to go over
the figure from head to toe in strong light to find all of the
little nicks and bits of excess resin in what is otherwise a smooth
and well fitting casting.
Once the clean-up was finished, it was time to add the diaper and
pants. I used Andrea Sculp two-part putty to make the diaper and
pants. I used plenty of water to keep my finger wet while mixing the
putty to a uniform color, roughed out the shape with a hobby knife
blade, and did the final sculpting with a wet paint brush. The waist
and leg bands were tooled using a toothpick. This took about 15
minutes. I found Andrea's Painting Girls in Miniature book to be
extremely helpful during the sculpting and painting phases.
The figure was airbrushed using Testor's Model Master Skin Tones.
Basic shadows and highlights were added with a fine brush and
blended with a clean brush dipped in thinner and blotted on a paper
towel. Andrea Acrylics were used for final body shading, the hair,
face, diaper, rubber pants, and shoes.
I used Humbrol Satin-Cote to impart a sheen to the rubber pants and
shoes. Satin-Cote was also used - sparingly - on the high points of
her hair.
The Andrea Round Base comes unfinished. I used a paper towel and a
wiping stain to stain the base in about two minutes. Once dry, I
added a circular piece of pink felt and superlued the figure to the
I normally like to paint Medieval figures with the occasional foray
into Napoleonics. This was a great change of subject. |