Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Junkers Ju 87G Stuka is available online from Squadron.com
Here is my diorama entitled,
"Setting Their Sights on Kursk".
I used the 1/48 scale Hasegawa Ju
87 G-1 "Kanonenvogel". I added parts from the Eduard photo-etch
detail set to the cockpit and the underside of the wings. I added
plumbing to the gun pods using stretched sprue. I replaced the kit
wheels with aset from True Details. Decals are from Aeromaster.
Figures are from Verlinden, the
pilot with the leather jacket is from Jaguar.
The starter cart is from Verlinden,
a kit all by itself.
The base was scratchbuilt using
exterior foam insulation that cut to shape and the edges sanded with
fine sandpaper. I used Verlinden static grass, real dirt from the
yard and basswood strips cut to length.
This diorama shows a Kanonenvogel
being prepared to have its flak guns callibrated. |